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date : 2024/09/18 |
visit count : 111
The government, as the executive arm of the country’s policies, programs, and strategies, is always in the spotlight of public attention, institutions, and organizations. Achieving a responsive and accountable government requires the implementation of proper administrative mechanisms, including trust, the acceptance of qualifications, the delegation of authority to deserving individuals and entities, and widespread support in practice. This way, the components of the government can fulfill their responsibilities and obligations in the best possible manner with capability and independence.
After each national election, which reinforces the legitimacy and stability of the established political system, territorial integrity, and the provision of public interests from an international perspective, there is an increasing national demand for economic growth and the identification of national and international factors influencing it. In a world transitioning from an oil-based economy, many countries have established programs to enter a knowledge-based economy. In this context, technology and innovation are considered fundamental elements of economic development, with knowledge recognized as a crucial factor in long-term economic growth.
The awareness and commitment of the elected government to strengthen the knowledge-based economy through creating diversity in the export of knowledge-based goods at competitive prices and high quality contribute significantly to achieving the country’s economic development goals in the second phase of the Revolution and reducing dependency on imports of strategic items. Therefore, the decisiveness, precision, and swift actions of several deputy ministers and ministers of the President, such as the Deputy for Science and Technology, who acts as the direct representative of the President in science and technology matters, are of great importance. This is especially true for ministers of industry, science and research, health, foreign affairs, and others who serve as supporters of the knowledge-based economy.
It is evident to all that economic growth and development in countries are achieved by minimizing the role of governments in the economy. In our country, the main obstacles to production and the economy can be overcome by reducing government intervention in economic affairs, such as price controls across all goods, services, and human resources, and by building trust and support for the private sector and utilizing the advisory opinions of industry associations like the chambers of commerce.
In recent years, extensive collaboration between government bodies, such as the Deputy for Science and Technology and the National Standard Organization, and the private sector has strengthened support for research and development activities and innovative financing within the knowledge-based ecosystem. This collaboration has enhanced the competitiveness of domestic products and services and accelerated the completion of reference laboratories and certification bodies for entering international markets. If these collaborations and interactions continue and expand in the fourteenth government, we can expect to see increased complexity in knowledge-based products, reduced production costs, enhanced product exports, and a greater role for the knowledge-based economy in the country’s economic growth.
Despite the continuous and long-term efforts of the Deputy for Science and Technology, some areas of the innovation ecosystem still suffer from insufficient supportive policies, conflicts, and inconsistencies in existing laws and regulations, as well as a lack of awareness regarding the existing scientific and technological capacities in this ecosystem. However, with leadership, awareness-raising, and support from this institution, we can address the gaps in policies and laws regarding preventing raw exports, curtailing imports, and utilizing foreign products and services that have domestic counterparts, as well as improving laws to protect intellectual property and intangible assets. In this context, actions have been taken over the past year to draft a roadmap for transitioning to a knowledge-based economy, which, if approved by the upcoming government, will encompass all aspects of knowledge-based development.
Furthermore, this Deputy is positioned to raise awareness regarding the importance of utilizing talented individuals and scientific capacities within government institutions and large and medium enterprises. This is essential for preserving these valuable human resources in our beloved country and increasing the productivity of these entities. Simultaneously, planning a platform for leveraging the technical knowledge and skills of Iranian elites abroad and from other countries represents a significant step in enhancing the knowledge and technology level of the knowledge-based ecosystem, which can be accomplished through cooperation with the private sector.
In conclusion, considering the vital and influential role of the Deputy for Science and Technology as a bridge connecting the higher education system and industries, and the young and sensitive nature of the knowledge-based ecosystem in the country, it is hoped that the selected cabinet of the President will pay special attention to the continued strengthening of this Deputy’s position so that the momentum generated in the process of transitioning to a knowledge-based economy is not diminished.